High Volume
Automated Robotic Stamping

Introducing our robotic stamping lines: 5-machine stamping line and 4-machine stamping line. The 5-machine line offers high-volume production with exceptional automation, the 4-machine line provides flexibility, transferable to another manual line for additional processes.

High Volume
Progressive Stamping

High volume demands require progressive stamping. Material feeds through multiple die stations in a single tool, reducing cycle time, scrap, and setup. This ensures competitive process costs for our customers.

Mid Volume
Manual Stamping

For moderate volume projects, we use manual stamping with smaller, simpler tool sets. This reduces upfront tooling costs, expediting project progress for our customers.

Wire Cutting EDM

For ultra-precise jobs requiring tenths of microns tolerances, our reliable wire cutting EDM machines excel in tooling fabrication. They ensure workpieces meet strict tolerances with precision.